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Twirl instructions

Select an image that you want to use for the effect and save it as a GIF or JPEG. If you want to make a NavBar then place your buttons vertically or horizontally next to each other in one image. Now insert the applet tag into your html-document. The easiest approach would be to cut and paste the applet tags from one of the examples that came with this package and then edit the parameters. Explanation of what the parameters do is listed below. If you are using a wysiwyg-editor (PageMill, Dreamweaver, etc..) then the recommended approach is to select the applet from one of the examples and "copy and paste" it to your own file. You can now play with the parameters to configure it to your liking. The fastest way of doing this is by using a good wysiwyg-editor.
Now just upload the files to your web-server and you're done!

Applet parameters
width, height These are the standard applet tags describing the width and height of the applet in pixels.
image The filename of the image to use. This is relative to the html-document.
lightsizex, lightsizey This is the size of the lightsource in pixels.Default is 70.
angle Decides how much the applet 'twists'. Default value is 50.
bg The color used for background in format rrggbb.
light The amount of light that the lightsource consist of. Default is 128. If you don't want a lightsource, set this value to zero and the lightsourcing routine won't be called.
url The target url when using the applet as a button or NavBar. If using a NavBar then this value is any number of target url's, separated by a space character. Omit this if the applet is not supposed to link to anything. * Tip - You can issue a mailto: command as you would in HTML, i.e. mailto:boef@usa.net! *
target This option lets the user specify which frame to open a target url in. If omitted, it targets the default frame.
orientation This is the orientation of the NavBar. v for vertical or h for horizontal. Case-sensitive.

The Nav-bar:

To make a Nav-bar, choose orientation and put together your menu-items in a bigger GIF or JPEG. The menu-items must be of the same size as the hotspots are determined by a division of the width/height and the number of URL's. Refer to the examples to make any sense out of this.

This applet depends on the following jar file:

If you're uploading class-files, these are the ones you need:
DuriusTwirl.class, Light.class, WrApp.class, Screen32.class